Thursday, May 13, 2010


Hello, my name is Miss Kayla and I'm codependent.

What does that mean you may ask. Well, it's fairly difficult to define since the definition is as fluid as the person who is codependent. What it means for me, Miss Kayla, is that pretty much I'm addicted to "helping" people. I'm also invested in having "messed up" people around me so I can "fix" them and then feel better about myself. I focus on everyone else around me so I don't have to fix me. I don't know how to draw a line between being helpful and being a doormat. I thrive on people depending on me. I worry about things that I can't change, that aren't even issues in my life. I worry about my friends and their friends and families and are they OK, are they getting what they need, stuff like that.

My therapist says that most likely this stems from my being "too good" (his words not mine). And I really struggle with this since my lifestyle, my core belief system is focused on helping other people, giving service, being charitable and Christ-like.

I don't know how to just let other people figure things out when they're asking for my help. I don't know how to let things go that I cannot control. I'm an addict!! And I need help.


  1. This has nothing to do with your post, but I love your hair in your profile picture!! You look hot!!

    Now about your codependency... If you feel any need to "fix" me or to "help" me or to "worry" about me, I officially give you permission to NOT FEEL THAT WAY! You can erase me right off your list!

  2. Awww Jack! I just saw this. (Is there any way to get an email notification that someone's commented on my blog?) Anyway, THANK YOU!!! As stupid as it may sound in some ways I really do need other people's permission to stop. I'm of course still concerned for your well being, because I care about you and LOVE YOUR STINKING GUTS, but I don't feel the need to "fix" you. Interestingly enough, I've never felt like you needed fixing. :) I can honestly say that my friendship with you is one of my most healty relationships. Thanks!!!
