Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Catching up

Wow, it's been awhile since I've posted anything. I think I need to work on that. I realized tonight when I started reading that my last post was 2 months ago! Not a whole lot has happend in those two months though so I don't think you're missing out on anything.

What has changed is:
I'm now in the Relief Society presidency for my YSA ward. I'm a little unsure of my responsabilites, but I'm sure I'll figure it out just in time to be relased.

My dad came to visit me and I had a lot of fun with him. It's not very often that he and I have that much time together, even before I moved here we didn't spend that much time together. It was really nice. I love my dad.

I'm getting a new roommate! My current roommate is getting married in 16 days (not that I'm counting) and one of the girls that I serve with in the presidency is gonna move in with me. I'm really super excited about it. She's sooo much fun and uplifting and I think it will be good for me. I don't know if it will be good for her or not. LOL!

I'm looking for a job. I've had several interviews but no real bites yet. I really need something to come through soon.

I've been more involved in roller derby. I'm part of the ref crew and have a lot of fun with it!

So that's about it. I'm gonna go now and try to think of something whitty and clever to post later!


  1. HI, Kayla!!! I'm so glad you posted a link to your blog!! It's a great way to catch up! : ) I, too, have a blog, but I'm kinda sorta terrible about posting often. *cough* I'll work on that. Cute blog!! Love ya!!

  2. Hi!!! I'm so glad you found me! Thanks for follwoing me, don't worry, I don't post much. :) Love ya!!
