Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Time of year

So today I went to a big box store to pick up my perscription and some cards to send out to the girls in the ward for their birthdays (I'm trying to act like I know what I'm doing) and I noticed it's SCHOOL SUPPLY TIME!!!

I love, Love, LOVE school supplies! I'm not entirely sure why either. I had pleanty of school supplies growing up, it's not like I'm trying to compensate for a lack there of. Maybe it's compensation for something else...hummm....

Anyway there I was in the special area with rows and rows of big bins filled with pens of all sorts of colored ink, pencils both mechanical and traditional, glue both stick and old fashioned white, rulers, compasses, highlighters, markers of various widths, crayons the good ones and the cheap ones, folders of every color and with almost any cartoon character/fuzzy animal, notebooks (and I mean the actual book with pages in it not a laptop), binders, backpacks, pencil cases, rubber grippy things, scissors oh the list goes on!!

I have pleanty of most of the things I need for school. I'm a little bit infatuated with pens and have been for years (I wonder if there's a pens ananonamys I could attend) and today I have to admit, I couldn't resist. I found the new Sharpie pens on sale for $2.50 for 2!! And standard sharpies 8 packs were on sale for $4!! I got nine stick pens for a buck! The biggest thing there was there were 3, count them, 3 purple ink pens!!

I think I buy these things hopping that if I just have the right pens then I'll be able to do better. I'll be more creative. I'll figure out a better way to connect what I'm trying to learn to what I've written on my pages of notes. I'll be a better student. I'll take better notes because magically my hand writting will improve (not that it's really all that shabby). I'll be more enthusiastic about being there because then I'll get to USE all my new school supplies. Alas, tis not so. Sad. And because I was sooo excited when I got home I opened them all and now can't return any of them like I really should. Sad.

I love this time of year when all the school supplies are out. I guess it gives me the hope that this year I'll do better. This year will be different. This year...

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